크로스핏대영260 2023.04.06(목)[W.O.D] back squat find your 1RM then, TABATA KB deadbug hollow rock lunge burpee 2023. 4. 6. 2023.04.05(수)[W.O.D] For time of 21 Sumo deadlift high pull(95/65) 18 one arm DB Thruster(35/20)alt 15 Pull up 12 Kettlebell swing(24/16kg) 9 Box jump over 12 KBS 15 PU 18 DB thruster 21 SDHP https://youtube.com/shorts/sxRwuRxCMSw?feature=share 2023. 4. 4. 2023.04.04(화)[W.O.D] Amrap 15min 5 toes to bar 10 plyo plate push up(45/25) 15 air squat 20 WBS(20/14) 2023. 4. 4. 2023.04.02(월)[W.O.D] For time of 2-4-6-8-10 C&J(155/105) Barfacing burpee every 1min 15 Double under 2023. 4. 2. 이전 1 ··· 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ··· 65 다음